Motion Library
- The KAS function library contains ML function blocks used to integrate motion in a PLC "Programmable Logic Controller" A Programmable Logic Controller, PLC, or Programmable Controller is a digital computer used for automation of industrial processes, such as control of machinery on factory assembly lines. Used to synchronize the flow of inputs from (physical) sensors and events with the flow of outputs to actuators and events program.
- ML function blocks can be used in four of the IEC "International Electrotechnical Commission" IEC is a not-for-profit, non-governmental international standards organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies 61131-3 languages: ST "Structured text" A high-level language that is block structured and syntactically resembles Pascal, FBD "Function Block Diagram" A function block diagram describes a function between input variables and output variables. A function is described as a set of elementary blocks, FFLD "Free Form Ladder Diagram" and IL "Instruction List" This is a low-level language and resembles assembly.
- For Sequential Function Chart (SFC) programs, ML function blocks are used as part of SFC Steps or SFC Transitions defined with FBD, FFLD, IL, or ST languages.